Friday, August 26, 2011

4 Reasons Why Pants Are Overrated

Pants. Biggest overrated piece of clothing I have ever had the stupidity to waste my hard earned cash on. Ok, maybe in winter they are necessary. At least in public.  But do people seriously wear them at all when no one else is around?  Our house seems to have a pants optional policy, but then it is just my boyfriend and I. 

When we first moved out it was pants are banned. In fact most clothes were banned but that is just because when you first move out of home - and I mean really move out, with no housemates - you revert back to being a 3 year old.  We ate cereal at night, when the cutlery ran out we ate with chopsticks and pants were banned.

Pants in themselves are a pain.  I talk to a lot of people who agree that pants are overrated.  Just so you know, I am typing this pantsless.  I must clarify that by pants I mean the trouser/jean things, not nickers (because that would be plain weird). 

1. Pants are the first sign you are getting fat.
I have been trying to ignore the growing size of my rear for a few months now.  It's nothing massive but I am only small and every increase seems to be so much more obvious than on average sized people, at least to me.  For the past few weeks I have been doing my pants-dance to get my favourite jeans on.  I blamed it on the dryer shrinking my clothes. That was until my pants-dance couldn't even get my jeans on past my thighs.  Pants are overrated anyhow.

2. They are just more clothes to iron.
I hate ironing.  It is no secret.  I once accidentally ironed myself on the stomach (please don't ask) and it has been all downhill from there.  I did a pile of ironing today. It is still huge.  Either I forget about ironing my cute summer dresses or I ditch the pants.  Hardly a decision.

3. I always have to get them altered.
Do you have any idea how much it costs to get pants altered? $25 a pair. When I went to America I found these awesome jeans and they came in that short size, you know, for shorties like myself and you know something? They are still 2 inches too bloody long.  Apparently I am shorter than the average short person. Poo on you pants.

4. You only have to take them off again.
Self explanatory really.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


I would like to start by apologising for my prolonged absence. I was going to make up a bunch of excuses about how I have been busy and how I have been meaning to write but I know you guys don't really care why.  To make up for it here are some things you missed while I was gone. Who knows, I might even write a post about them when I stop being so damn lazy...

I went to America. It was awesome. New York was poo.

I became a registered nurse and I started my new job. I FREAKING LOVE IT!!!

I prestiged again in CoD. Drinks all round!!!

My baby brother started crawling.  He is such a ratbag!!!

I spent all of my first paycheck on alcohol, clothes, food and random kitchen goods. Money well spent, I wish I could do this every paycheck!!!

I will try to write something worth reading sometime soon.  Thank you to the people who continue to read this blog despite its clear lack of structure or substance.  Unfortunately, this is how it is so don't expect any improvements!

Ham xx