Thursday, January 27, 2011

And the winner is...

The game I will review for this week is:
Call of Duty: Black Ops (PS3)

This review will be posted on Sunday 30th of January.  The poll for next weeks game will be put up now and will close on Sunday night, giving me a week to play and review the game.  If you have any suggestions for games you would like to be reviewed feel free to comment.  Please keep in mind that very rare games may take a while for me to get my hands on. I own the following consoles/platforms:
- PS3
- Game Cube
- PC
- Nintendo 64
- PS1
- Gameboy
- Gameboy Advance
- Nintendo DS
- Sega Megadrive

This weeks choice of games to review:
- Burnout Paradise (PS3)
- Pokemon Snap (N64)
- Starcraft 2 (PC)

Thank you to all the people that voted (all 12 of you! Can't believe there were so many!).  For some reason it says only 5 voted but I know Blogger is a filthy liar, there were 12 last night!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Game Reviews

I have decided that every week I will post a review of one game.  It can be from a number of consoles (PS3, PC, N64, Gamecube etc.) and I will let who ever happens to read my blog choose!  Each week I will give a list of games that I can review and the one with the most votes will be the one I will write up.  Reviews will be posted on the Sunday night of every week so get voting now!

This weeks selection:
- Plants Vs. Zombies (PC)
- CoD: Black Ops (PS3)
- Sim City (DS)

Don't worry if the one you wanted didn't get picked, the games will eventually be on the list again at a later date.  And don't forget: I will be playing the chosen game for a week, so make it a good one!!! Get commenting!

An Introduction

I have never been very good at introducing myself.  A whole post and I didn’t tell you my name or even say hello.  My name is Sam, but you can call me Hambo, everyone else does.  I am a twenty-three year old girl from Brisbane, Australia.  (I say girl because I can’t bear to call myself a ‘woman’.  By admitting that I am a woman I would be opening the floodgates for responsibility and all other kinds of adult problems.  I already have to pay bills, work, study and clean… god knows what other adult things lurk in the shadows waiting for me to be deemed a competent adult.  Ooops, off topic.)

Getting back to the main issue: me.  I have a boyfriend who is a velociraptor on the scale of awesome.  We have been together for 4.5 years and we are still going strong.  We live in a tiny apartment just outside the city in Brisbane and I can’t wait until we can buy a place of our own.   Actually, we pretty much can’t wait to get out.  Period.  Seriously, it’s like a deathtrap.

I used to have a well formed life with well developed responsibilities.  I used to be much more social and an active member of my community.  That was before I discovered CoD.  I must admit, I am a video game addict.  I grew up playing them with my Dad and, now that I am making my own money, I have acquired a pretty good collection of games.  But none are as addictive as Call of Duty: Black Ops.  I am also a major nerd and love sci-fi and all manner of nerdy books and movies.  I have a feeling that a lot of my entries will be based around video games and sci-fi… So like it or lump it.

I think that is all I am going to tell you for now, I need people to have a reason to come back again! Hopefully this will flourish into a well visited blog and I will become famous and rich.  But I am pretty sure that’s what most people are hoping for when they start a blog, so I guess I will settle for a couple of people who come and read my posts through to the end. 

The First Blog

I have always wanted to write a blog.  I guess it is much like I have always wanted to keep a diary.  If my track record with diary keeping is anything to go by this blog will probably be left to rot after this one and only post.  It’s not that I don’t like to write or that I don’t have anything to write about, it’s just that I seem to fail with follow through in general. 

As a five year old I desperately wanted to be a ballerina.  I begged my mum to take me out and buy me clothes and take me to lessons. I have no idea where this desire to do ballet came from, none of my friends danced and I can’t remember watching any dancing on TV.  Despite this my mum finally gave in and we went to the dance shop.  She bought me stickers with glitter and some cheap ballet shoes.  I was in love.  I told everyone I was going to be a dancer and made them come to shows I put on in the carport.  It lasted about a week.  I’m pretty sure it was then decided that decided I wanted to be a nun.  Sister Act can be pretty persuasive.

My point is that I still have that attention span I had when I was five.   I have trouble seeing anything through to the end.  So if you like this first post and you would like some more you pretty much have to annoy me so much that I will give in.  I didn’t become a nun, by the way.  I didn’t understand what ‘chastity’ meant and as I got older I ditched it as a candidate for my future career.