Monday, June 6, 2011

Trolley Watching

I have heard of some people who go to shopping centres just to watch the people, see the weirdos and creepers.  I don't really understand the attraction to be honest.  Why people watch when you can trolley watch.  The amount of information you can learn about people from what they put in their trolley is AMAZING. 

For instance: Two young women, maybe late teens - early twenties, with a trolley full of junk.  Instant pizzas, gourmet cheese, pre-made salads and fancy face care accessories. ANALYSIS =  probably just moved out of home or their parents are away overseas.  They only buy the best brands and pre-made food because they either have no idea how to live out of home or their shop is being funded by their parents.

Next example: An old man, pushing a smaller trolley.  Contents are a single apple, two potatoes, half a dozen tins of fish and a loaf of bread.  ANALYSIS = Single retired pensioner.  Probably learning to buy for one after losing his partner.  Buys minimally because the old age pension SUCKS.

See what I mean? Even if it isn't true, trolley watching is an imaginations dream.  I was shopping today and I couldn't help but peek into people's trolleys, wondering what their story is.  I try to be impartial, trying not to judge people by the contents of their trolley.  I admit, I have thought disapprovingly of parents with kids in tow and a trolley full of sugar.  I guess they will have to put up with the kids on a sugar high, though. You reap what you sow.

I learnt my trolley watching lesson the hard way once.  I had a day off, completely to myself.  This was a rare occasion since I was doing full time study and working almost every spare minute I had.  I had planned an awesome day.  I was going to bake and cook a stew for dinner.  While they were cooking I planned to watch a zombie movie and dye my hair.  A day of pure indulgence.  The only problem was I had to nick down to the shops to pick up a few things: some ingredients for my stew, some cream to stop the hair dye from making my face purple and some 'ladies things' since my well timed time of the month coincided with my day off.

I was cruising around the grocery store and had everything within 10 minutes flat and, since I had less than 12 items I got to use the express lane.  It was then that I noticed the contents of my basket.  I stared down in horror at two very large carrots, a tub of Vaseline and a box each of tampons and pads.  What. The. Hell.  I tried to cover the items on the conveyor belt with a packet of pasta. It kept sliding off to reveal my perverted shopping items. I couldn't even look at the girl serving me. I mumbled something about having a busy day or something. I can't even remember.  I shuffled my way through the check-out, face bright red, never looking back.

I think I will give those parents with the sugar loaded trolleys some slack.


  1. I do this ALL THE TIME! I love to watch what people buy, especially in the express lane because they tend to be the most random. I think the best people watching place is the airport though...

  2. reminds me of the Haah post about things that make you feel stupid x3

  3. Ha, my grandmother is EXCELLENT when it comes to making up epic soap operas about people she sees, or neighbors.

    Also, this:

  4. What about a trolley full of pure, Canadian discount generic Cialis?

  5. Loving the Spam, guys! Keep it up!

    Also, FO, which post in HAAH was that? I wants to read it!
