Friday, September 2, 2011

Some Words With Friends*

Everyone is so into their phones at the moment. If it isn't that idiotic Angry Birds (where birds are launched into the air as small feathered bombs and missiles... yes, I know you probably know what is about because you play it, but I just wanted you to see how stupid it actually sounds to other people) then it is this new game called Words With Friends.  Apparently it is the new thing.  I even jumped on and have started a couple of games.  It's like scrabble over the interwebs.  Sounds awesome, no?

I beg to differ.  Sure, it is an easy, intellectual way to interact with your friends and family BUT it showed it's true colours this morning. What the hell? I can't play a game this rubbish.

*Some words not included, sold separately (apparently)


  1. There are so many words those stupid games do not accept. Although they accept almost every ethnic slur imaginable. Go figure.

  2. Words with friends? More like "Words with Douchebags."

  3. I'm willing to cede "Wookie" long as it doesn't accept "Snookie."
