I was raised a Catholic girl. I went to church, prayed before Sunday lunch and was scared into honesty by my mother telling me that God knew when I was lying. I went to a Catholic school - 5 of them in fact. Although I wouldn't call myself an active member of the Catholic community I wouldn't go so far as to say I am an Atheist.
Despite my strong religious upbringing I have always been a student of science. From my first science experiment in grade 2, where we grew peas in the dark or in a fridge, I have been in love with science. I love the fact that some things are governed by set rules that are set in stone, so you always know where you stand. Like gravity. It has never let me down. If I jumped from a building I can be certain I would not float into space. Gravity is a handy science explained phenomenon.
I support the belief that not all things in religion are made to be taken literally and that science and religion are not necessarily mutually exclusive. However, I do have a real problem when children are taught a completely biased version where religion is infallible and that science is made up by atheist scientist types. This is true especially considering the power religion has shown to have when attempting to control and manipulate the masses (see - the crusades, witch burning and the recent rapture, the last of which I felt was less torturey and much more pleasant than predicted).
A confidential informant of mine has provided me with information that a high school in Brisbane is teaching Creationism in science. 'Big deal', I hear you say. At first I felt the same way. Let me show you why I have since changed my mind...
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Looks innocent enough, right? |
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This little gem is a good sign of things to come... |
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Almost slipped by me... |
Keep in mind this is only the first page. I don't have time to show everything, which is truly a tragedy. This stuff is blogging GOLD.
This book is very quick to dismiss any kind of evidence supporting Evolution. It goes on to say that the Peppered Moth Theory is complete and utter bullocks because they had to pin some of the moths to trees to take photos of the quick little buggers. I guess you could argue that it isn't an ideal experiment.
Only problem is no where in the book does it allow for criticism of any aspect of Creationism where there are several pages purely dedicated to the limitations of science and they theory of Evolution. Apparently because the theory of Creationism is based on the word of God (well, mostly on people who claimed to hear the word of God) it is infallible and literal. In a book that says love thy neighbour etc ad finitum but in the bible (where all their reliable information is sourced) they are sure are quick to pull this one out: "If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death." 1 Cor 6:9 and yet they say not to kill and to love one another. No wonder people get confused, damnit. Make your frigging mind up!
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This page is very telling... |
I am not normally a big fan of using the word 'prove' when talking about science as it is more technically correct as the general consensus is that science doesn't prove, it supports. But I can say that there is a lot of evidence that VERY HEAVILY supports the Earth being older than a few thousand years old. This next picture shows the evidence that dinosaurs were on earth with people. Oh, yes. It gets better.
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I have seen Behemoths in Fallout and they are totally not dinosaurs... |
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This explains a lot. Actually... |
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Who did the research for this bloody book? |
I think that it is sad that it seems like some Christians feel that Evolutionists are out to make people disbelieving sinners and that there is no way the two can co-exist. I know this is probably a small fraction of Christians who share this biased and unforgiving view of how the world came to be, most people I talk to who identify as Christian welcome the thoughts of evolutionists and see it as a more likely start to the world. No one ever said that the world wasn't created by God. I just think that Evolution is how life came to be as it is now and that there is no way Noah could have handled himself with a velociraptor on board, regardless of the forces at work...