My boyfriend and I have never been big fans of Valentine's day. Our feeling has always been that if you love some one then you shouldn't need an excuse like Valentine's Day to show it: it should be a year round thing. That and the fact that people waste sooooo much money on commercial things - flowers, chocolates and poorly constructed plush animals from sweat shops in China - when they miss the whole point of a day like that.
I have always felt that Valentine's Day was a kind of cop out, a commercial sell out and have never had any part of it (not the giving part anyway), so I was glad to find that my boyfriend felt the same way. I am also sick of all the *I love you forever, honeybun! xoxo* rubbish you see on FB - I feel like I am in that diner in Pulp Fiction - except without Samuel L. Jackson to sort those annoying lovebirds out...
Well, that was until I walked in the door tonight. This morning I got a kiss and a cuddle (with my eyes still firmly clamped together) before boyfriend went off to work. I had a good day at work, followed by a late night gym session. Exhausted, I dragged myself in my front door. On the steps sat a flower. The most wonderful flower I have ever seen in my life. Eat your heart out flower shops!!!!
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It is a paper daffodil (my most favourite ever flower in the whole world!) made by the sweetest and most loving boy I have ever known. So, even though I normally do not partake in such a public show of lovey dovieness, I dedicate this Substitute Carrot post to my wonderful boyfriend because I love him more than anything! And also because I do not have the patience to spend 2hrs working out how to make a daffodil out of cardboard like him.
Hambo :)
Aaaawwww, that's awesome!
ReplyDelete- esh
You guys make me sick! (In all the best possible ways.) Happy Valentine's Day to you both ... for yesterday.
ReplyDeleteAw that's lovely Sammie you have a treasure there that's for sure, just as he has in you. Pedro and I agree with you both about Valentines day, it's just another day for the world to get more money out of you for through them exploiting love and getting you to part with hard earned money. Same as Xmas too, its not what it use to be that's for sure. Cheers love ya sweetheart
ReplyDeleteLove Aunty Netti