Sunday, January 23, 2011

Game Reviews

I have decided that every week I will post a review of one game.  It can be from a number of consoles (PS3, PC, N64, Gamecube etc.) and I will let who ever happens to read my blog choose!  Each week I will give a list of games that I can review and the one with the most votes will be the one I will write up.  Reviews will be posted on the Sunday night of every week so get voting now!

This weeks selection:
- Plants Vs. Zombies (PC)
- CoD: Black Ops (PS3)
- Sim City (DS)

Don't worry if the one you wanted didn't get picked, the games will eventually be on the list again at a later date.  And don't forget: I will be playing the chosen game for a week, so make it a good one!!! Get commenting!